Professional - Math - Tutoring

Number of Persons Price per Lesson (60min)
1 60.-- CHF per Person
2 50.-- CHF per Person
3 45.-- CHF per Person
Best reslusts are achieved by regular one-to-one tuition.

Name Zahner Pascal
E-Mail pascal.zahner@gmail.com
+41 78 635 90 84    

About me:
Since my early high school years I am sucessfully tutoring math. Over the years I was able to develope a lot of different problem solution strategies and built a big treasure trove of experience. Through my work as a teacher and also graduation supervisor I also know the official side of the education system and therefore I have the abbility to solve problems occouring in Math professionally. Since I have experienced all aspects of the education system by being a student, a teacher and a supervisor and even more through my longterm work as a tutor, I am able to teach Mathematics understandable to everyone with motivation, pleasure and fun.

- 2001 Graduation
Beddingfield High School (USA)
- 2003 Graduation Gymnasium (Matura)
Kantonsschule Oerlikon (CH)
- 2003-2004 University (Mathematics)
ETH Zurich
- 2004-2005 Swiss Military Service
Mandatory One Year Service
- 2005-2009 University (Mathematics)
ETH Zurich
- 2009 Substitute Teacher of Mathematics and Computer Science
Kantonsschule Im Lee (ZH)
- 2009 Substitute Teacher of Mathematics and Physics
Theresianum Ingenbohl (SZ)
Gymnasium, Specialized Secondary School
- 2009-2012 Teacher of Mathematics
Theresianum Ingenbohl (SZ)
Gymnasium Bilingual (German and English), Specialized Secondary School,
Specialized Secondary School - Higher School Certificate Program in Education
- 2010- University (Mathematics and Computer Science)
FernUniversitaet Hagen
- 2011-2012 Head of the Science Departement
Theresianum Ingenbohl (SZ)
- 2015 Graduation Supervisor (Matura)
Realgymnasium Raemibuehl (ZH)
- 2016 Company Foundation
Pascal Zahner Institute Of Education

General Terms and Conditions:
A payed tutoring-lesson does not only contain the lesson itself. In addition to the tutoring-lesson I also develop exercise and theory sheets based on the problems from the lesson. Furthermore I will also support the students while they are solving exercises or homework by e-mail and multimedia tools. So if there are problems or questions arising while working on math problems, students are always supported and therefore are able to learn successfully and with a positive learning experience.
Payment is done each lesson in cash against receipt. In case of inability to attend to a scheduled appointment the cancellation has to be made 24h in advanced. In case of non-cancellation of a scheduled appointment the lecture must be payed even if the person was not attending.
First Come - First Serve
I try my best to find an appointment for everyone intereseted. In case of to many requests or impossiblitiy of finding a date, I will put you on my waiting-list. The people on the waiting-list will be concidered by the "first come first serve" principle.
Depending on your needs, the lecture can be held at your place, at my place or if allowed at the school itself.
The lecture can be held in English or German as you wish.

Copyright © Pascal Zahner 2001-2024